Recent new fiction and non-fiction reviews (by title)
Older new fiction and non-fiction reviews (by author)
- , JoannaKavenna - Come to the Edge
- Aboulela, Leila - Elsewhere, Home
- Adebayo, Ayobami - Stay With Me
- Alard, Nelly - Couple Mechanics
- Albert, Elisa - After Birth
- Aldridge, Kitty - A Trick I Learned from Dead Men
- Allirajah, Dinesh - Scent: The Collected Works
- Alsterdal, Tove - We Know You Remember
- Alvarez, Julia - Afterlife
- Anappara, Deepa - Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line
- Anshaw, Carol - Right After the Weather
- Anwar, Arif - The Storm
- Armstrong, Sarah - The Insect Rosary
- Arnold, Gaynor - After Such Kindness
- Arnow, Harriette - The Dollmaker
- Arudpragasam, Anuk - The Story of a Brief Marriage
- Ashworth, Jenn - The Friday Gospels
- Austin, Emily - Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead
- Bailey, Sara - Dark Water
- Bakalar, A.M. - Madame Mephisto
- Banville, John - Ancient Light
- Barbash, Tom - Stay Up with Me
- Barker, Pat - Toby's Room
- Barnes, Kim - In the Kingdom of Men
- Beard, Mary - SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
- Beatty, Paul - The Sellout
- Bell, LiamMurray - So It Is
- Bennett, Claire-Louise - Pond
- Benson, Peter - Isabel’s Skin
- Berlin, Lucia - Evening in Paradise
- Best, Clare - The Missing List
- Binet, Laurent - HHhH
- Blanch, Lesley - On the Wilder Shores of Love
- Bloom, Amy - Lucky Us
- Bologna, Filippo - The Parrots
- Bragg, Marie-Elsa - Towards Mellbreak
- Brandmark, Wendy - The Stray American
- Bray, Carys - The Museum of You
- Briscoe, Joanna - Touched
- Brockes, Emma - She Left Me the Gun
- Brown, Janice - Through Every Human Heart
- Bruce, Alison - The Silence
- Buarque, Chico - Spilt Milk
- Buckley, Christopher - They Eat Puppies, Don't They?
- Buruma, Ian - Their Promised Land
- Butler, Sarah - Ten Things I’ve Learnt About Love
- Camouro, Alexa - Dixon Grace 1.9.7 Hamburg
- Carey, Peter - The Chemistry of Tears
- Chevalier, Tracy - The Last Runaway
- Christiansen, Rupert - I Know You Are Going To be Happy
- Ciment, Jill - Heroic Measures
- Clanchy, Kate - Meeting the English
- Clark, Clare - We That Are Left
- Clarke, Clare - Beautiful Lies
- Cleave, Chris - Gold
- Clegg, Bill - Did You Ever Have a Family
- Clements, Kirstie - The Vogue Factor
- Close, Ajay - The Daughter of Lady Macbeth
- Coates, John - Patience
- Coe, Jonathan - Expo 58
- Coelho, Paulo - Adultery
- Constantine, David - The Life-Writer
- Cooper, N.J. - Vengeance in Mind
- Coplin, Amanda - The Orchardist
- Costa, MargaretJull - The Penguin Book of Spanish Short Stories Edited
- Creed, Adam - Death in the Sun
- Cummins, Jeanine - American Dirt
- Cusk, Rachel - Outline
- Danler, Stephanie - Sweetbitter
- Davenport-Hines, Richard - An English Affair
- Davidson, Toni - My Gun Was As Tall As Me
- DeWitt, Helen - Lightning Rods
- Dee, Jonathan - The Locals
- Dennis-Benn, Nicole - Here Comes the Sun
- Diaz, Junot - This is How You Lose Her
- Dieudonné, Adeline - Real Life
- Divry, Sophie - The Library of Unrequited Love
- Donaldson, Frances - A Woman’s War
- Donoghue, Emma - Frog Music
- Dou, Diao - Points of Origin
- Drabble, Margaret - The Pure Gold Baby
- Dragnić, Nataša - Every Day, Every Hour
- Duffy, Maureen - In Times Like These
- Dugdall, Ruth - The Woman Before Me
- Dunmore, Helen - The Lie
- Egan, Jennifer - Black Box
- Emecheta, Buchi - Second-Class Citizen
- Emling, Shelley - Marie Curie and Her Daughters
- Enright, Anne - The Green Road
- Ephron, Delia - Siracusa
- Erdrich, Louise - The Round House
- Erpenbeck, Jenny - Go, Went, Gone
- Erskine, Wendy - Sweet Home
- Evans, Diana - Ordinary People
- Fagan, Jenni - The Panopticon
- Faviell, Frances - The Dancing Bear
- Feinstein, Elaine - It Goes With the Territory
- Fell, Alison - The Element –Inth in Greek
- Ferguson, Rachel - A Footman for the Peacock
- Fergusson, Ben - The Spring of Kasper Meier
- Ferraris, Zoe - Kingdom of Strangers
- Figes, Kate - On Smaller Dogs and Larger Life Questions
- Fishman, Boris - Don’t Let My Baby Do Rodeo
- Flanagan, Richard - The Narrow Road to the Deep North
- Fletcher, Susan - House of Glass
- Flores, Paulina - Humiliation
- Ford, Jamie - Love and Other Consolation Prizes
- Forna, Aminatta - Happiness
- Forster, Margaret - How to Measure a Cow
- Frances-White, Deborah - The Guilty Feminist
- Fraser, LadyAntonia - My History
- Frayn, Michael - Skios
- Freely, Maureen - Sailing Through Byzantium
- Fridlund, Emily - History of Wolves
- Galassi, Jonathan - Muse
- Galgut, Damon - Arctic Summer
- Gallay, Claudie - In the Gold of Time
- Gamerro, Carlos - The Islands
- Gappah, Petina - The Book of Memory
- Gardiner, Juliet - Joining the Dots
- Gazan, Sissel-Jo - The Arc of the Swallow
- Gee, Maggie - Virginia Woolf in Manhattan
- Gekoski, Rick - Lost, Stolen or Shredded
- Gifford, Elisabeth - The Lost Lights of St Kilda
- Glaister, Lesley - Little Egypt
- Goldsworthy, Vesna - Monsieur Ka
- Graff, Laurent - The Scream
- Graham, Laurie - A Humble Companion
- Grant, Linda - Upstairs at the Party
- Greenburg, Bradley - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed
- Grémillon, Hélène - The Confidant
- Gundar-Goshen, Ayelet - One Night, Markovitch
- Gunn, Kirsty - Infidelities
- Guène, Faïza - Discretion
- Hadley, Tessa - The Past
- Hage, Rawi - Carnival
- Hagena, Katharina - The Taste of Apple Seeds
- Halliday, Lisa - Asymmetry
- Hamer, Kate - The Girl in the Red Coat
- Hammad, Isabella - The Parisian
- Hamya, Jo - Three Rooms
- Hardinge, Frances - A Skinful of Shadows
- Hardman, Isabel - The Natural Health Service
- Harrington, Rebecca - Penelope
- Harris, Eve - The Marrying of Chani Kaufman
- Hay, Elizabeth - Alone in the Classroom
- Heath, Rachel - Part of the Spell
- Henderson, Eleanor - Ten Thousand Saints
- Hensel, Kerstin - Dance by the Canal
- Hislop, Victoria - Cartes Postale from Greece
- Hitchman, Beatrice - Petite Mort
- Hoffman, Cara - Be Safe I Love You
- Hogan, Phil - A Pleasure and a Calling
- Hollist, Pede - So The Path Does Not Die
- Holt, Elliott - You Are One of Them
- Honig, Michael - Goldblatt’s Descent
- Hooper, Chloe - The Engagement
- Hope, Anna - Wake
- Hore, Rachel - The Silent Tide
- Hornby, Gill - All Together Now
- Horst, JørnLier - Closed for Winter
- Hosking, Barbara - Exceeding My Brief
- Hotakainen, Kari - The Human Part
- Houm, Nicolai - The Gradual Disappearance of Jane Ashland
- Howard, Sally - The Home Stretch
- Humbert, Fabrice - Sila’s Fortune
- Huson, Nancy - Infrared
- Hustvedt, Siri - The Blazing World
- Idliby, RanyaTabari - Burqas, Baseball and Apple Pie
- Ikstena, Nora - Soviet Milk
- Isaac, Jane - The Truth Will Out
- Jacobson, Abbi - I Might Regret This
- James, Heidi - Wounding
- Jarrett, Vicki - Nothing is Heavy
- Jeffreys, Sheila - Trigger Warning: My Lesbian Feminist Life
- Jennings, Karen - Finding Soutbek
- Johnson, Rachel - Winter Games
- Joinson, Suzanne - A Lady Cyclist’s Guide To Kashgar
- Jones, Catherine - Wonder Girls
- Joy, Avril - Sometimes a River Song
- Joyce, Rachel - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
- July, Miranda - The First Bad Man
- Juul, Pia - The Murder of Halland
- Kamm, Oliver - Mending the Mind
- Kavanagh, Jennifer - The Silence Diaries
- Keane, MaryBeth - Ask Again, Yes
- Keneally, MegandTom - The Soldier’s Curse
- Kent, Hannah - Burial Rites
- Kilroy, Claire - The Devil I Know
- Kitses, Jennifer - Small Hours
- Koch, Herman - The Dinner
- Kogan, DeborahCopaken - The Red Book
- Krall, Hanna - Chasing the King of Hearts
- Kushner, Aviya - The Grammar of God
- Lacey, Catherine - Nobody is Ever Missing
- Ladner, Kiare - Nightshift
- Lane, Harriet - Her
- Larsson, Asa - The Black Path
- Lee, Jonathan - Joy
- Lemoine, Sanaë - The Margot Affair
- Leo, Maxim - Red Love
- Lepucki, Edan - California
- Lesiewicz, Aga - Rebound
- Levy, Deborah - Black Vodka
- Lewis, Michael - The Premonition
- Leyshon, Nell - The Colour of Milk
- Lichtarowicz, Paula - The First Book of Calamity Leek
- Lin, Chia-Chia - The Unpassing
- Locke, Attica - The Cutting Season
- Lynch, P.K. - Armadillos
- Ma, Ling - Severance
- MacIntyre, Linden - Why Men Lie
- MacMahon, Kathleen - This Is How It Ends
- Macdonald, Helen - H is for Hawk
- Mackintosh, Sophie - The Water Cure
- Macleod, Kenneth - The Incident
- Makine, Andreï - Brief Loves That Live Forever
- Mangan, Christine - Tangerine
- Manguso, Sarah - The Guardians: An Elegy
- Mann, Jessica - The Fifties Mystique
- Manning, Olivia - The Balkan Trilogy
- Marone, Lorenzo - The Temptation to Be Happy
- Marra, Anthony - The Tsar of Love and Techno
- Martell, Owen - Intermission
- Martin, Andrew - The Baghdad Railway Club
- Mayfield, Kate - The Undertaker’s Daughter
- Mbue, Imbolo - Behold the Dreamers
- McCarten, Anthony - Brilliance
- McEwan, Ian - Sweet Tooth
- McFarlane, Fiona - The Night Guest
- McGregor, Fiona - Indelible Ink
- McKenzie, Elizabeth - The Portable Veblen
- McMahon, Katharine - The Woman in the Picture
- McManus, Sophie - The Unfortunates
- Meek, James - The Heart Broke In
- Mellors, Coco - Cleopatra and Frankenstein
- Michell, Lynn - The Red Beach Hut
- Mirza, FatimaFarheen - A Place for Us
- Mollart, Jamie - The Zoo
- Montefiore, Santa - Daughters of Castle Deverill
- Moore, DorisLangley - Not at Home
- Morrall, Clare - After the Bombing
- Morrison, Kate - A Book of Secrets
- Motoya, Yukiko - Picnic in the Storm
- Munro, Alice - Dear Life
- Murata, Sayaka - Convenience Store Woman
- Murugan, Perumal - One Part Woman
- Myerson, Julie - The Quickening
- N.J.Cooper, - February Crime Round-Up
- NDiaye, Marie - Three Strong Women
- Nakamura, Fuminori - The Thief
- Nicholls, David - Us
- Nicholson, Virginia - Perfect Wives in Ideal Homes
- Nicoll, Andrew - If You're Reading This I'm Already Dead
- Nicolson, Juliet - A House Full of Daughters
- Niven, JohnJ. - Cold Hands
- Norfolk, Lawrence - John Saturnall’s Feast
- Norris, John - Mary McGrory: The First Queen of Journalism
- Nott-Bower, Susie - The Making of Her
- O'Faolain, Julia - Trespassers - A Memoir
- O'Neill, Heather - The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
- Oakley, Ann - The Strange Lockdown Life of Alice Henry
- Oates, JoyceCarol - The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares
- Obioma, Chigozie - The Fishermen
- Olafsdottir, AuourAva - Hotel Silence
- Omotoso, Yewande - The Woman Next Door
- Onuzo, Chibundu - The Spider King's Daughter
- Orr, K.J. - Light Box: Stories
- Osborne, Frances - Park Lane
- Ostlund, Lori - After the Parade
- Owens, Lisa - Not Working
- O’Donnell, Bridget - Inspector Minahan Makes a Stand: The Missing Girls of England
- O’Faolain, Julia - Under the Rose
- O’Flynn, Catherine - Mr Lynch’s Holiday
- O’Neill, Ryan - The Weight of a Human Heart
- Packer, Ann - The Children’s Crusade
- Palin, Michael - The Truth
- Parks, Tim - The Server
- Parrett, Favel - Past the Shallows
- Patchett, Ann - The Dutch House
- Paull, Laline - The Bees
- Penrose, (editor)Antony - Lee Miller’s War
- Perrotta, Tom - Mrs Fletcher
- Pietrantonio, DonatellaDi - My Mother is a River
- Plump, Wendy - Vow
- Pochoda, Ivy - Wonder Valley
- Powers, Kevin - The Yellow Birds
- Price, Angharad - The Life of Rebecca Jones
- Punti, Jordi - Lost Luggage
- Quindlen, Anna - Miller's Valley
- Rachman, Tom - The Rise and Fall of Great Powers
- Rain, David - The Heat of the Sun
- Rao, Shobha - Girls Burn Brighter
- Reeder, Elizabeth - Ramshackle
- Reeves, Virginia - Work Like Any Other
- Reid, Kiley - Such a Fun Age
- Reid-Benta, Zalika - Frying Plantain
- Reiss, Tom - The Black Count
- Ridgway, Keith - Hawthorn and Child
- Riley, Gwendoline - Opposed Positions
- Roberts, Bethan - Mother Island
- Rodoreda, Merce - In Diamond Square
- Rogers, Jane - Conrad and Eleanor
- Rosen, Michael - The Disappearance of Emile Zola
- Rosnay, Tatianade - Manderley Forever: The Life of Daphne du Maurier
- Rothschild, Hannah - The Baroness
- Roy-Battacharya, Joydeep - The Watch
- Rusbridge, Jane - Rook
- Sackner, RuthandMarvin - The Art of Typewriting
- Samuel, Julia - Grief Works
- Sanchez, Clara - The Scent of Lemon Leaves
- Saunders, George - Tenth of December
- Savicevic, Olja - Farewell, Cowboy
- Scarlett, Fiona - Boys Don’t Cry
- Schwartz, Laura - Feminism and the Servant Problem
- Segal, Francesca - The Innocents
- Seierstad, Åsne - Two Sisters
- Selvon, Sam - The Housing Lark
- Shaw, Fiona - A Stone's Throw
- Shipstead, Maggie - Seating Arrangements
- Sisman, Adam - John le Carré: The Biography
- Sittenfeld, Curtis - Eligible
- Slade, ToniMarquesandKatie - The Book of Rio – a City in Short Fiction edited
- Slimani, Leïla - Lullaby
- Smith, Zadie - NW
- Smyth, Cherry - Hold Still
- Sofer, Dalia - Man of My Time
- Soobramanien, Natasha - Genie and Paul
- Spahic, Ognjen - Hansen’s Children
- Spindler, Susan - Surrogate
- Stars, Mehrnaz - Woman Master
- Stedman, M.L. - The Light between Oceans
- Stevenson, D.E. - Mrs Tim Carries On, Mrs Tim Gets a Job, Mrs Tim Flies Home
- Stibbe, Nina - Love, Nina
- Straub, Emma - Laura Lamont's Life in Pictures
- Strayed, Cheryl - Wild
- Strout, Elizabeth - My Name is Lucy Barton
- Sullivan, Jane - Little People
- Summerscale, Kate - Mrs Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady
- Sussman, Ellen - The Paradise Guesthouse
- Sweeney, EmilyMidorikawaandEmmaClaire - A Secret Sisterhood
- Swyler, Erika - Light from Other Stars
- Syson, Lydia - Mr Peacock’s Possessions
- Szalowski, Pierre - Fish Change Direction in Cold Weather
- Taylor, Debbie - Herring Girl
- Tearne, Roma - The Road to Urbino
- Tezza, Cristovao - The Eternal Son
- Thirkell, Angela - Summer Half
- Thomas, Matthew - We Are Not Ourselves
- Thompson, Laura - Take Six Girls
- Thornton, Rosy - Ninepins
- Toews, Miriam - Women Talking
- Tomalin, Claire - A Life of My Own
- Torres, Justin - We the Animals
- Tremayne, S.K. - The Ice Twins
- Tremblay, Larry - The Orange Grove
- Tsvetaeva, Marina - Phaedra: a drama in verse
- Tusa, John - Making a Noise
- Tyler, Anne - Clock Dance
- Upson, Nicola - Fear in the Sunlight
- Vida, Vendela - The Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty
- Villeneuve, Angélique - Winter Flowers
- Vu, Caroline - Palawan Story
- Walker, KarenThompson - The Age of Miracles
- Walter, Natasha - A Quiet Life
- Washburn, KawaiStrong - Sharks in the Time of Saviours
- Waters, Sarah - The Paying Guests
- Watson-Grant, Roland - Sketcher
- Wayne, Jemma - After Before
- Weinberg, Steven - To Explain the World
- Weldon, Fay - Death of a She Devil
- Welsh, Irvine - The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
- Wheeler, Sara - O My America!
- Whitehead, Colson - The Underground Railroad
- Wilkinson, Alec - The Ice Balloon
- Williams, Joy - The Visiting Privilege
- Winter, Tom - Lost & Found
- Winterson, Jeanette - The Gap of Time
- Wise, Sarah - Inconvenient People
- Wiseman, ClareMacCumhaillandRachael - Metaphysical Animals
- Worsley, Kate - She Rises
- Wyld, Evie - All the Birds, Singing
- Young, E.H. - Miss Mole
- Zaharieva, Virginia - Nine Rabbits
- d’Eramo, Luce - Deviation